im not sure who jennifer hudson is. everyone says she is famous. not everyone...but some. at any rate. i heard about this family member of hers getting nabbed after someone off'ed his parents, or nanny or something. i was reading a post over at and these are the comments. i found them to be so god damned interesting. i dont want to put up a photo of the little kid because they found him a an old man. old people are always older than seven year old dead kids
1. nalgon - October 26, 2008 8:56 PM
nalgon says olgita is a zooker
2. Josh - October 26, 2008 9:15 PM
That 100K would have been better spent moving your family out of the ghetto.
Perhaps you could have bribed your sister not to marry a felon.
You wait, none of that involves jewelry or rims. sorry my fault.
3. tubby - October 26, 2008 9:21 PM
If she was really worried, she'd offer $500,000.
4. J - October 26, 2008 9:23 PM
Well the kid is the primary suspect in the murder right?
5. Blahdeblah - October 26, 2008 9:30 PM
Problem: Murder suspect not cooperating with authorities with a missing/possibly dead child out there.
Solution: Turn off the cameras and microphones for 15 minutes due to "unexpected maintenance" and take him out back for a "chat." Seriously, if you've got enough evidence against a guy to convict him for murder without having to even talk to the guy, there should be some exception in the law that lets you beat the living shit out of him until he gives up the whereabouts of his bargaining chip. Might not be able to prosecute him for kidnapping, but if he gets a life sentence for murder, who cares?
6. M - October 26, 2008 9:42 PM
Josh - she DID try to get her family out of that neighborhood, but it was home to them and they didn't want to leave. You can't force people to make good decisions, unfortunately.
7. TheTenia - October 26, 2008 9:46 PM
Check the local Popeyes chicken.
8. Cynic - October 26, 2008 10:08 PM
Thanks for handling this seriously, Fish. This isn't something funny, and while some dickhead commenters are taking the opportunity to be racist, I'd like to think most of the human race would be decent enough to hope they find the little boy safe and sound.
9. amanda - October 26, 2008 10:20 PM
if that was my nephew thats noting in this world that would keep me from looking for him + killing whoever it was that took him.
i wish the family the best of luck.
noone should have to suffer this way.
10. guyth - October 26, 2008 10:22 PM
I just logged on a web named ^^^^^^FitnessKiss. C O M^^ ^^^^ where so many people are discussing about her latest news.
11. InternetToughGuy - October 26, 2008 10:26 PM
I usually make shitty comments, but this is serious. I can't believe people would actually make jokes about this. How fucking sick are you? Kharma has a funny way of working people, just remember that. Whether you believe in it or not is irrelevant. Why anybody want to harm a child is beyond me. You can guarantee that thug piece of shit motherfucker knows where that little boy is. Man, that motherfucker is lucky I am not on that police force, I would give up my badge to beat that motherfucker senseless. He has not rights the minute he decided to take 2 lives and possibly a 3rd. Nothing but trash in the fucking country anymore. We will torture innocent people because they are from the Mid-East, but these fucking cops will let this piece of shit pretend like he has rights. FUCK THAT. God damn these people.
12. m - October 26, 2008 10:39 PM
I just hope her nephew is found safe. I am so sorry anyone would have to go through somethig like this :(
13. Dave - October 26, 2008 11:00 PM
Obviously it goes without saying, ignore these fools. Most, probably ALL have no idea what it's like to lose so much like that. I certainly do not.
I couldn't imagine what Jennifer Hudson is going through. I truly hope this poor kid is found alive and well.
It's bad enough she's dealing with this, but put this article on the internet, and all of the earth's dismal mire of feculence that describes most of these people's comments here.
Have some fucking respect. You think you know exactly what you'd do until this actually happened. It must be unimaginably painful.
14. mimi - October 26, 2008 11:02 PM
It is a tragedy... BUT...
Get your news from someone legit.
Not THIS asswipe website.
15. Sicko - October 26, 2008 11:05 PM
If I was the owner of the Popeyes Chicken chain, I would sell Kool-Aid and watermelons too.
16. TheTenia - October 26, 2008 11:09 PM
Give me a break you whiney pompous cocksuckers. So this chubby idiot is deserving of special respect? Why? Because he is related to a celebrity?! There are literally millions of children suffering all over in unimaginably horrible ways, how many of you talking about respect and karma give any thought of them? How many shelters for sexually abused children do you volunteer at...oh NONE. Thats right, NONE. So spare me, and everyone else the fake indignancy. Channel that passion towards helping someone way more needy and way more deserving. Few less fat slobby american coons certainly won't be hurting the world.
17. jonny - October 26, 2008 11:11 PM
this is the best comment string i have ever read
18. haggard - October 26, 2008 11:35 PM
Hmm...I wonder if the story of a missing black kid would be getting this much press if his aunt wasnt famous?
Probably not.
Huzzah for socially acceptable racism!
19. yeah? - October 26, 2008 11:43 PM
how can you take this seriously when theres sluts like Tara Reid and Kendra Wilkinson to the right? would be hilarious if the kidnapper was a cannibal. oops.
20. justtheobvious - October 26, 2008 11:45 PM
2 less obama votes ::))
21. justtheobvious - October 26, 2008 11:52 PM
Maybe check Madonna's, Michael Jackson or Angelina's house, they might have him and not even realize it.
22. Josh - October 26, 2008 11:54 PM
Look on the bright side folks, for his sake, at least he isn't a little white girl.
Just dead is a whole lot better than raped, sodomized and dead.
To make matters worse, f you got fucked in the ass and then had your throat slit by a pedophile would you want Nancy Grace making millions a year off you?
This little bastard is the luckiest dead black kid of the day. That spot is usually goes to whatever drive by victim happened to be wearing a celtics uniform. 4 leaf clover y0!
23. Ali - October 27, 2008 12:03 AM
When it comes to odd news or weird news I havent read anything like this in a a while what is the world coming to?
24. Mos - October 27, 2008 12:08 AM
Look, I hate to be the voice of reason here, but this kid is well on his way to becoming yet another obese, diabetic, pain-in-the-ass, eye sore. Sure, he's cute now because little kids are cute. Give him five years, and all you morons yapping away about karma and sweetness would be all like, "Ewww. Gross. A fat gangsta! Where's the police to protect me!!!"
Funny how none of the black posters are acknowledging that this is yet another wonderful example of how there is nothing more dangerous to a black person than another black person. But go ahead, keep blaming whitey for all your problems. Soooo easy that way.
25. jesus - October 27, 2008 12:14 AM
does that young primate have downs syndrome? how appropriate that the little fat fucks picture was taken in a restaurant.
26. Christie - October 27, 2008 12:19 AM
lets make some really witty and sarcastic fucking comments!!!
you people make me really sick.
Real people died and a little boy is missing and may possibly be dead.
Not quite the time to try to be funny smartasses.
White,black,hispanic,asian...fat,skinny...celebrity or not...
This is real and this is sad.
Im praying for their family during this tragedy...
I hope that this little boy is found safe and ok.
27. bob - October 27, 2008 12:25 AM
That 100K would have been better spent moving your family out of the ghetto.
Perhaps you could have bribed your sister not to marry a felon. Many friends I met on think so too.
28. Bryan - October 27, 2008 12:33 AM
aaaaaaaaahahahahaaa. You think any black person aside from Bill Cosby and Oprah has more in their checking account than you do?
Do you have any idea how much limited edition nikes, house rental and a lease on a Bentley cost? Plus Rent-A-Center be chargin deposits an shit!
29. Bloody Bitch - October 27, 2008 12:36 AM
Really classy comments from some of you people. And I call myself a bitch...
I hope the child is returned unharmed. Please don't add more to this tragedy.
30. gerard Vandenberg - October 27, 2008 12:43 AM
...................kidnapping a kid, folks!!
you wanna be "TOUGH"?
....................................KIDNAPP THE PRESIDENT!!
31. Vowo - October 27, 2008 12:54 AM
US troops invaded Syria. Thanks a lot Jennifer Hudson.
32. friendlyfires - October 27, 2008 1:53 AM
I never knew how many cowards and bullies there are in this world, until the World Wide Web was unleashed.
It's too bad I'm not a believer in God and Heaven, so y'awl won't rot in Hell. I still believe in Karma, though.
33. Nite - October 27, 2008 2:15 AM
TheTenia - I don't know what it is that makes you so sure of yourself, but i have an 11 month old baby, who I love more than life itself, I volunteer for boys and girls clubs, my job is CPS where I have to see abuse every day. So for you to so rudely assume that we arent volunteering or caring, just because we are also worried about this 7 year old child, is beyond rude, and almost incomprehensible, and you are the reason children these days are getting hurt, because people like you are out there, not caring about a 7 year old boy, who is probably so scared right now.
Oh and BTW : Until I searched Google I didn't even know who Jennifer Hudson was, and I was still worried about this boy.
34. Josh - October 27, 2008 2:19 AM
Hey, you find the little tub of pork cracklins, I will say all this to his face. Assuming it isn't riddled with bullet holes, that is.
Additionally it's "Ya'll".
35. Josh - October 27, 2008 2:19 AM
Hey, you find the little tub of pork cracklins, I will say all this to his face. Assuming it isn't riddled with bullet holes, that is.
Additionally it's "Y'all".
36. Justin - October 27, 2008 2:28 AM
Sad hope she find him
is it me look at the chiold madonna holding look same. You know she still kids.
37. Justin - October 27, 2008 2:28 AM
Sad hope she find him
is it me look at the chiold madonna holding look same. You know she stills kids.
38. Mos - October 27, 2008 3:15 AM
To #33 "and you are the reason children these days are getting hurt, because people like you are out there, not caring about a 7 year old boy, who is probably so scared right now."
No, the reason children are getting hurt these days is bad parenting and violence perpetrated mostly by young black men who want to be gangstas. Once liberal mouthbreathers such as yourself admit this, an appropriate solution can be implemented.
Also, the boy is probably not scared right now. He is probably dead. No more or less sad than all the kids killed in Iraq, or the Congo or the South Bronx. Also, it sounds as though you have an emotional deficiency where you try to make up for your own lack of self worth by "helping" others so that you can congratulate yourself on what a fine person you are.
39. Queefer Bukakke - October 27, 2008 3:37 AM
Whoever took the kid has eaten him by now.
40. :P - October 27, 2008 4:10 AM
lol ^
41. steven - October 27, 2008 6:51 AM
I don't know what it is that makes you so sure of yourself, ur friends @ but i have an 11 month old baby, who I love more than life itself, I volunteer for boys and girls clubs, my job is CPS where I have to see abuse every day. So for you to so rudely assume that we arent volunteering or caring, just because we are also worried about this 7 year old child, is beyond rude, and almost incomprehensible, and you are the reason children these days are getting hurt, because people like you are out there, not caring about a 7 year old boy, who is probably so scared right now.
42. TJ - October 27, 2008 7:10 AM
Fatherless welfare garbage that Obama wants to give taxpayer money to. Criminy.
43. Kat - October 27, 2008 7:44 AM
What the hell is the matter with some of you asshats? Crime is perpetrated by CRIMINALS, and NO race or ethnicity has a monopoly on that. It's funny, I was just reading an article on CNN asking 'is racism over in America?'. I should send a link to this blog post.
Because kids are dying in Syria that makes this kid's trauma less important? How desensitized are you? WhenEVER a child dies, gets kidnapped, or has his family MURDERED right in front of him, it's a tragedy. And to put someone like Nite (#33) down because she CARES is probably the stupidest thing I've heard all day.
And #38, what's the 'appropriate solution'? Round up all the black men under the age of 50 and put them in prison preemptively? Then we should round up all the white people over the age of 50 and do the same, Blue collar criminals that steal from the general population and tank our economy. That way, neither Presidential candidate will be eligible to take the oval office. Wonderful solution. Totally appropriate. You're so fcuking dumb I doubt you could spell "I.Q."
44. Omega - October 27, 2008 7:56 AM
Racism would be over in America if the blacks would let it. But they don't want it to go away.
45. Bickus Dickus - October 27, 2008 8:48 AM
In related news, She's offering a $200,000 reward to anyone that's actually ever heard of her.
46. Nancy P - October 27, 2008 8:58 AM
47. Melissa - October 27, 2008 9:27 AM
They found him and the Suburban... he's dead :(
That's just horrible....
48. FACE - October 27, 2008 9:32 AM
He looks like he was about to have a heart attack. How fat can you let a 7 year old get? The parents should be cited for neglect if they find him
49. whynot - October 27, 2008 9:50 AM
this is tragedy and this might not be the time to mention this..... but , Jennifer Hudson has huge knockers. the next time i want to read about her on this site is when she decides to show them off....
50. Ted Mosby - October 27, 2008 10:00 AM
Let's hope they find him alive and well.
51. Bill Clinton - October 27, 2008 10:04 AM
Its heartining to see that fame fortune and opportunity hasnt changed Hudson and her family.
The little boy is Dead as are the others and this just goes to show.
Once a Naggar always a Nagger!
Stupid worthless african american garbage!
52. CorpseBride - October 27, 2008 10:11 AM
You know, its so easy to be an a-hole when you're hiding like a coward behind a keyboard. Why don't morons go right up to the mother's face and tell her that?
Its bad enough that we live in a world where children are killed brutally everyday, bad enough when immature dickwads make fun of it.
53. Uncle Eccoli - October 27, 2008 10:11 AM
Too late. They've found him dead.
54. Uncle Eccoli - October 27, 2008 10:14 AM
@ 52
Feeling a tad impotent? Your little tirade is just as empty as the trolls' comments. Why bother?
55. CorpseBride - October 27, 2008 10:22 AM
Well, excuse me for voicing my opinion. I didn't realize i had to go through you first.
My bad. Next time I'll do better.
56. bootlips - October 27, 2008 10:23 AM
Negroes always blame everything but themselves for their heinous crimes. They can't deal with the fact that they cause 80% of the violent crime regardless of income. If it weren't for humans, the darkies would have a shelf life of 25 years.
57. Brittany Renae' Brown - October 27, 2008 10:23 AM
I pray they find him alive ane well!!!
58. Brittany Renae' Brown - October 27, 2008 10:23 AM
I pray they find him alive ane well!!!
59. Uncle Eccoli - October 27, 2008 10:24 AM
No problem.
60. Hillary Clinton - October 27, 2008 10:51 AM
Fuck off, you bastard coward. Go cash your welfare check, you piece white trailer trash.
61. Hillary Clinton - October 27, 2008 10:53 AM
#56, the only one who isn't human here seems to be you.
This is horribly sad in so many ways.
62. Helena - October 27, 2008 10:57 AM
Holy fucking shit; ayone that is joking and/or being racist about this is fucking SICK. Seriously, what the hell? The murder of an innocent child is tragic in any context. You guys are the exact reason why our world is so fucked up. Please go check yourself in to a psychiatric ward right now and do society a HUGE favor. Holy shit, some of the comments are fucking disgusting- no wonder such fucking unthinkable and horrible things like this happen every day.
63. Helena - October 27, 2008 10:59 AM
Holy fucking shit; ayone that is joking and/or being racist about this is fucking SICK. Seriously, what the hell? The murder of an innocent child is tragic in any context. You guys are the exact reason why our world is so fucked up. Please go check yourself in to a psychiatric ward right now and do society a HUGE favor. Holy shit, some of the comments are fucking disgusting- no wonder such fucking unthinkable and horrible things like this happen every day.
64. Bill Clinton - October 27, 2008 11:41 AM
He would've grown up to be a criminal anyway, looks like the taxpayers saved a ton of cash. 95% of coons end up in the correctional system anyway. If only they'd just keep killing each other they'd eventually go extinct. From now on when a darkie kills a Human being, not only they should be executed, but their entire family as well....
65. Alex - October 27, 2008 12:49 PM
are you fucking kidding me, people? i was hoping that FOR ONCE i would look on here and see some sort of supportive comments. it's so strange how everyone on here is apparently better looking and more intelligent then every celebrity in the world, yet they are making fun of them on a BLOG. yeah, we all believe you're hotter than lindsay lohan and paris hilton. as if that isn't low enough, a 7 year old boy is killed and you people sit there and type racist jokes and witty little comments about his abduction and death? the fact that you can live with yourself knowing that you're trying to make light of a child's death means that, just like the killer, you have absolutely no soul. make fun of spencer and heidi all you want, LEAVE THE KID OUT OF IT.
66. Queen23 - October 27, 2008 1:05 PM
all of your racist bitches are assholes! So what she's a celebrity, it's not about that. The fact of the matter is they were human beings. NO matter who it is what happened was definitely tragic and for Christ's sake wrong. I hope all of you who have something negative to say burn in HELL which i'm sure you will. You're definitely a bunch of Stupid, Ignorant, Assholes.
OBAMA FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
67. Eracism - October 27, 2008 1:11 PM
So Balfour doesn't want to cooperate with the cops, huh? Give me 15 minutes with him, about 30 ft of nylon cord, a Roto-Tool and some rubbing alcohol and he'll confess to being on the Grassy Knoll.
68. The Killer - October 27, 2008 1:18 PM
When they take me to court I am going to say he had a coronary. Seems like a viable defense right? I mean shit, I almost had one trying to lift his fat ass into the rape van.
69. The Killer - October 27, 2008 1:20 PM
When they take me to court I am going to say he had a coronary. Seems like a viable defense right? I mean shit, I almost had one trying to lift his fat ass into the rape van.
70. SueMe - October 27, 2008 6:50 PM
People keep saying things like Jennifer should've moved her family out of the hood, but correct me if Im wrong, wasn't this a FUCKING FAMILY AFFAIR? It was a family tragedy. I don't care if you live in the most expensive parts of tragedies can happen to ANYONE ya bunck of DUMB Fucks.
71. keesha - October 27, 2008 8:52 PM
I can't believe people are making this some kind of fucking circus. How cold hearted could u possibly be. What if it was your child or someone in your family. Nobody deserves this & its stupid motherfuckers like yall who kills people senselessly. What if yall lost the majority of yall family suddenly and so violently.....stupid bitches
72. destiny - October 27, 2008 9:40 PM
God bless you Jennifer. No one deserves this I don't care who they are. May god be with you and your sister at this time. Bless the souls of your mom, brother & nephew. My heart bleeds for you and I hope that you will be okay. To all the stupid people get a life u don't make fun of a situation like this yall are sick and yall have to deal w your own insecurities. At least this little boy will have peace & happiness in Heaven. Where will yall end up? Cocksuckers!
73. destiny - October 27, 2008 9:41 PM
God bless you Jennifer. No one deserves this I don't care who they are. May god be with you and your sister at this time. Bless the souls of your mom, brother & nephew. My heart bleeds for you and I hope that you will be okay. To all the stupid people get a life u don't make fun of a situation like this yall are sick and yall have to deal w your own insecurities. At least this little boy will have peace & happiness in Heaven. Where will yall end up? Cocksuckers!
74. Snapple? - October 27, 2008 10:00 PM
So did the old man at least get half of the reward for finding Julian King in the white SUV or all of it?
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