Sunday, October 26, 2008

OK, i had a baby....two of them actually. the one i like to hang out with and that other one. ....the one she turns into, due to an array of ailments baby's supposedly get. and then i always have to work . thats a time consumer as well. but something has finally brought me back to my blog. she has lit the fire of .....stupid internet writing. ashley todd is the girl who has blessed me with this rekindled love of the ridiculous. more so than the fullers dog park trips and jeffs trips to the store and baseball and the movies or whatever it is he does...this is the end. the end of that frail version of sanity when occupied, the end of the innocence, like that song. because i do not believe this girl is mentally ill. i think the people she is associated with are mentally ill and actually did this to demonize the less demony of the two demons. so then there would be the black demon, and the white demon.....but the black demon brings along all sorts of crazy other black demons. black demons who will carve you up like a little white pumpkin. and when they do you may just say to yourself. those black demons are real bad, so bad in fact that i think we should just stick with a good old fashioned white demon. this girl is shithouse rat obsessed with the white demon. i wonder how many degrees away from mccain the people are who put this fiasco together. i hope its like six, like kevin degrees. happy halloween demons!!!

i forgot about all kinds of crazy borat and johnny depp references, references of barbers and sausage. ashley sausage.

this came from some place.
But perhaps the most interesting response came from John Moody, executive vice president at Fox News:

“If Ms. Todd’s allegations are proven accurate, some voters may revisit their support for Senator Obama, not because they are racists (with due respect to Rep. John Murtha), but because they suddenly feel they do not know enough about the Democratic nominee,” Moody wrote. “If the incident turns out to be a hoax, Senator McCain’s quest for the presidency is over, forever linked to race-baiting.”


DG Beat said...

I read about this too. The article I read included her myspace page.

DG Beat said...

shit. Let me try that again.

Does that make any sense?